Trusts allow individuals to tailor their estate plans to their specific needs, ensuring the financial well-being of future generations.

By utilizing trusts, individuals and families can protect and preserve their wealth, provide for loved ones, support charitable causes, and maintain control over their assets.

Trusts are a vital component of comprehensive wealth management and estate planning, providing security and peace of mind.


Trust Structure

A trust structure refers to the organization and relationships among various elements and entities involved in the establishment and operation of a trust. The trust structure includes the following key components:


The settlor is the creator of the trust who transfers assets into the trust and establishes the trust terms to guide its management and distribution.


The trustee is the custodian of the trust, responsible for managing the trust's assets and fulfilling its duties and obligations as outlined in the trust document.


The beneficiary is the individual or entity that enjoys the benefits of the trust's assets, such as receiving income or receiving distributions. Beneficiaries can be specific individuals, organizations, charities, or a class of people.

ConventionalTrust Model

Trustee fully handles assets, which may limit settlors’ control, visibility, and ownership on assets.

Predefined processes and policies, means less room for customization to unique requirements.

Generally higher costs to implement and maintain the trust infrastructure and personnel.

HybridTrust Model

Settlors retain an element of control of the direction of the trust, allowing for more flexibility.

Tailored trust wealth and asset management services to achieve each clients’ specific needs.

Competitive fee structure from innovative and differentiated solution.

Types of

Living Trust
A trust established by a settlor during their lifetime to manage and protect their assets, effective both during their lifetime and after.

Testamentary Trust
A trust established according to a testator's will after their death, used to manage and distribute assets to beneficiaries.

Charitable Trust
A trust established for charitable purposes, utilizing assets for charitable causes and supporting specific charitable organizations or social projects.


Trusts are a versatile legal tool used to meet various financial and planning needs. Here are some common types of trusts:

Family Trust
A trust created for family wealth management and succession planning, providing financial security and benefits for family members.

Education Trust
A trust specifically set up for the educational and learning needs of beneficiaries, used to pay for educational expenses and support learning opportunities.

Special Needs Trust
A trust created for individuals with disabilities, providing funds and resources to meet their special needs and welfare.

Special Purpose Trust
A trust established in order to hold specific assets such as real estate and luxury vehicles.

These are just some common types of trusts, and in practice, trusts can be customized based on specific individual or institutional needs and objectives. Each type of trust has its unique functions and advantages to fulfill different financial, protective, and planning goals.

What is

The Trust Benefits?

Trusts offer several benefits that can enhance financial planning and asset management. Some of the key benefits of trusts include:

Asset Protection
Trusts can provide a layer of protection for assets against creditors, lawsuits, and potential claims. By transferring assets to a trust, they can be shielded from potential risks and preserved for the intended beneficiaries.

Wealth Preservation
Trusts are effective tools for preserving family wealth and ensuring its smooth transfer across generations. They enable individuals to dictate how their assets will be distributed and protect against mismanagement or dissipation of wealth.

Probate Avoidance
Assets held in a trust can bypass the probate process, allowing for faster and more efficient distribution to beneficiaries. This helps minimize delays, costs, and potential disputes associated with probate proceedings.

Privacy and Confidentiality
Trusts provide a level of privacy and confidentiality as they are not typically subject to public disclosure. This allows individuals to keep their financial affairs private and protect sensitive information.

Tax Planning
Trusts can be utilized for effective tax planning strategies, such as minimizing estate taxes, reducing income tax liabilities, and taking advantage of tax-saving opportunities. Certain types of trusts, like charitable trusts, can offer additional tax benefits.

Flexibility and Customization
Trusts offer flexibility in tailoring the terms and conditions according to the specific needs and goals of the settlor. They can be designed to accommodate unique family situations, special needs beneficiaries, charitable intentions, and more.

Continuity of Management
Trusts provide for the ongoing management and administration of assets even in the event of incapacity or death of the settlor. This ensures a seamless transition of control and protects the interests of beneficiaries.

Charitable Giving
Trusts can be established for charitable purposes, allowing individuals to leave a lasting philanthropic legacy while enjoying potential tax advantages.