
When setting up a trust, one of the most crucial decisions you'll make is selecting the right trustees to manage your assets and carry out your wishes. Let's delve into the significance of choosing trustees wisely.

Trustworthiness & Integrity

When choosing trustees, it's crucial to prioritise trustworthiness and integrity. Trustees should be individuals or entities with a proven track record of honesty, reliability, and ethical conduct. Their character and integrity will determine how faithfully they carry out their duties and honor your intentions.

Understanding Your Intentions

A trustee should have a clear understanding of your intentions and be committed to fulfilling them. Effective communication is key, as they will be responsible for executing your wishes as outlined in the trust deed. Look for trustees who take the time to comprehend your goals and are dedicated to upholding them.

Competence & Expertise

A trustee should possess the necessary competence and expertise to effectively manage the trust. Depending on the nature of your assets, consider selecting trustees with knowledge in areas such as finance, law, accounting, or investments. Their expertise will ensure sound decision-making and proper administration of the trust.

Multiple Trustees

In some cases, appointing multiple trustees can be beneficial. Co-trustees can provide checks and balances, share responsibilities, and bring complementary skills to the table. However, ensure that the chosen co-trustees can work harmoniously together and make decisions in the best interest of the trust and its beneficiaries.

Discover the Strengths of Corporate Trustees for Trust Management!

When it comes to trust management, corporate trustees offer a range of invaluable strengths and benefits. Here are a few key reasons why considering a corporate trustee might be the perfect choice for you:

Expertise and Professionalism

Corporate trustees are institutions with specialised knowledge and expertise in managing trusts. They have dedicated teams of professionals, including lawyers, accountants, and investment experts, who work together to ensure your assets are managed effectively and in accordance with legal and financial regulations.

Resources and Stability

Corporate trustees have access to a wide array of resources, which can be beneficial for complex trust administration. They possess established systems, software, and processes to efficiently handle a broad range of financial matters. Furthermore, their stability as institutions ensures continuity in managing your trust, even in the face of personnel changes or organisational restructuring.

Fiduciary Duty and Objectivity

As fiduciaries, corporate trustees have a legal obligation to act in your best interests. They have a duty to follow your trust's provisions and make decisions objectively, without personal bias or conflicts of interest. This commitment to objectivity ensures that your assets are managed with professionalism, prudence, and a focus on your long-term goals.

What is letter of wishes

A Letter of Wishes, also known as a Letter of Instruction or Letter of Wishes and Guidance, is a non-binding document that accompanies a trust or will. It is a personal and confidential letter written by the settlor or testator (the person creating the trust or will) to provide guidance and express their wishes to the trustee or executor regarding how they would like certain matters to be handled.

Unlike the legally binding provisions of a trust or will, a Letter of Wishes is not enforceable in a court of law. Instead, it serves as an informal communication to provide additional guidance, explanations, or specific instructions to the trustee or executor. The purpose of the letter is to offer insight into the settlor's or testator's intentions, desires, and preferences, allowing the trustee or executor to make more informed decisions when administering the trust or executing the will.

What isTrust Deed?

A Trust Deed is a legally binding document that establishes a trust. A trust is a legal arrangement in which one party, known as the settlor or grantor, transfers assets to another party, known as the trustee, for the benefit of a third party, known as the beneficiary.

The Trust Deed outlines the terms and conditions of the trust, including the assets being transferred, the purpose of the trust, the rights and responsibilities of the trustee, and the rights and entitlements of the beneficiaries. It serves as the governing document that guides the administration of the trust.

Some key elements typically found in a Trust Deed include:

The trust structure comprises of three parties: the settlor, the trustee and the beneficiaries. The trustee owes the fiduciary duty to the beneficiary.

It outlines the specific goals and intentions of the trust, such as asset protection, estate planning, charitable giving, or the management of specific assets.

The Trust Deed specifies the assets and properties being transferred to the trust, which may include real estate, financial assets, intellectual property, or other valuable assets.

It defines the powers, duties, and limitations of the trustee in managing and distributing the trust assets in accordance with the terms of the Trust Deed and applicable laws.

The Trust Deed outlines how the trust assets will be distributed among the beneficiaries, including the timing and conditions for distributions. It also establishes the rights and entitlements of the beneficiaries.

The Trust Deed may specify the conditions under which the trust can be terminated or amended, allowing for flexibility if circumstances change or if the settlor wishes to modify the trust.


What isValid Trust?

A valid trust refers to a trust that meets all the legal requirements and conditions necessary for its establishment and recognition. To be considered valid, a trust must satisfy certain key elements, which may vary depending on the jurisdiction.

Here are the general requirements for a Valid Trust:

Capacity and Intent
The settlor, or trust creator, must have the legal capacity to create a trust and must intend to create a trust relationship.


Trust Property
The trust must have identifiable property or assets, known as the trust corpus or trust res, which are transferred by the settlor into the trust.


The trust must have a trustee, who holds legal title to the trust property and is responsible for managing and administering it in accordance with the terms of the trust.


The trust must have one or more beneficiaries who have equitable or beneficial interests in the trust property. The beneficiaries are entitled to receive the benefits or distributions from the trust as specified in the trust deed or agreement.


Trust Purpose
The trust must have a valid and lawful purpose that is not contrary to public policy. The purpose can be specific, such as providing for the education of children or charitable giving, or general, such as asset protection or estate planning.


Compliance with Formalities
The trust must comply with any formalities required by law, such as the execution of a written trust document or deed, proper transfer of the trust property, and adherence to any legal requirements specific to the jurisdiction.